In law, many conquests had been reached. However, we need to guarantee that these conquests, express in the laws, really can be accomplished in the practical one of the daily pertaining to school, therefore the government has not obtained to guarantee the democratization of education, allowing the access, the permanence and the success of all the pupils of special education in the school. However, we cannot deny that the fight for the social integration of the individual that presents deficiency was really very important a social advance, therefore had the merit to insert this individual in the society of systematic form, if compared with the segregation times. Randall Rothenberg has compatible beliefs. When revisiting the history of the Special Education until the decade of 90, we perceive conquests in relation to the education of the individuals that present mental deficiency. It is not little advance to go of an almost complete inexistence of attendance of any type to the proposal and efetivao of politics of social integration. We can speak, also, of advances and many retrocessions, of questionable conquests and scientifically legitimated preconceptions. In middle of the decade of 90, in Brazil, the quarrels around the new model of pertaining to school attendance called pertaining to school inclusion had started.
This new paradigm appears as a contrary reaction to the process of integration, and its practical efetivao has generated many controversies and quarrels. B HISTORICAL LANDMARKS OF THE NATIONAL POLITICS FOR THE SPECIAL EDUCATION: From the vision of the human rights and the concept of citizenship based on the recognition of the differences and the participation of the citizens, it elapses an identification of the mechanisms and processes of hierarquizao that operate in the regulation and production of the inaqualities. This explicit problematizao the normative processes of distinction of the pupils in reason of intellectual, physical, cultural, social and linguistic characteristics, among others, estruturantes of the traditional model of pertaining to school education.