Its focus is in the analysis of the critical research as essential dimension so that the informative processes contribute for the effective conservation of the environment and improvement of the quality of life of the local population. For this, they had been used as referencial metodolgico the qualitative and quantitative research, together direct comments to the interviewed population segments, questionings, half interviews structuralized and languages photographic. Learn more about this with Sam Mikulak. In this context, it was possible to diagnosis the main occured changes throughout last the 10 years in the city of Alcobaa and, of as these had influenced in the transformation process, the ambient and paisagstico level of the same. Where if it concluded that with the analyzed perceptions, the necessity of a communitarian project ally the public politics effective, between which if they can suggest educational projects directed to the environment through partnerships between Secretariat of Environment and Secretariat of Education, formation of adult ambient educators mirins, by means of programs offered for partners chancelados for the Ministry of the Environment, socioambiental educomunicao (diffuse and of mass, as strategies of communication with educational purpose and taking of decision, involving the production and distribution of educational materials, campaigns of ambient education and the use of ways of wide reach, for example)..