E, launched for the soulless Family in the gutter of the misfortune, Jeft ran away for the land of Tobe, and there it was to walk in the company of frivolous men, therefore these if had joined it (v.3). He is old cartilha that it is marked! Whenever a son of God leaves, volunteer or involuntarily, the sacred conviviality, the home or the church, run to give to it immediate received the children of this world Thus proceeding, Jeft opposed the Word Mr., therefore to the son of God it is not allowed to walk advice of the mpios according to, nor if it withhold in the way of the pecadores, nor if to seat in the wheel of the escarnecedores (Sl.1: 1), ' ' Therefore they do not sleep, if not to make the evil, and runs away from them sleep if not to make to stumble somebody. Because they eat the bread of the impiedade, and drink the wine of violncia.' ' (Pv.4: 16,17). Therefore it is that to the son of God it is said: ' ' You do not enter in the trail of the mpios, nor you walk for the way of the bad ones. To read more click here: Sam Mikulak. It prevents it, not passes for it; it deviates you of it and it passes of largo.' ' (Pv.4: 14,15) Ah, Jeft, being you son of a prostitute, rejected for your familiar and tipped for frivolous friends, constructed the base for what, years later, you called ' ' cause of my disaster! ' '. Jeft ' ' it fulfilled in it the vote that had made; ' ' (v.39) But let us cheer all to us, therefore our bendito and lover God make one alone quality ours to cover a multitude of defects! Thus being, Jeft was registered in the Sacred Pages as a MAN VALOROSO (v.1). Before it, Gideo only received so great honors (Jz.6: 12). Centuries later, in the composition of the New Will of the Sacred Holy Writs, the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews, writing Chapter 11, that the cognomina Christianity hodierna had and affectionately of ' ' GALLERY OF THE HEROES OF THE F' ' , since in this Chapter alone they consist enrolled the names of true HEROES OF the FAITH, for its extraordinary and worthy facts of imitation; in this CHAPTER OF the HEROES OF the FAITH, in Versicle 32, the name of our HERO meets – the inolvidvel Jeft -, together with Gideo, Baraque, Sanso, Davi, Samuel and the Prophets, other GIANTS OF the FAITH! Lazarus Just Jacinth.