As much in the learning phase, as in the phases of perfectionist and training in swimming, what it is observed is the repetition of the movements. The proposal of this practical is to awake in the pupils the attention for the knowledge of the proper body, as main factor for such practical, and not it technique of the movements as primary condition for the learning. Conclusion: We believe that swimming, allied to the context of the complexity and contrary the mechanist theory, it can provide conditions of a complete, educative learning, when the movement works as a whole: the senatorial one, the engine, the corporal perception and the self-knowledge, in a dynamic interrelation with the environment. From the experiences offered during swimming, the deficient appearance can understand the world where it is and act properly in it. It is not important to enjoy of the experiences and yes, only to know to use them in day-by-day, as for example, the perceptional, the corporal self-knowledge and the limits of the body, and, through the challenges that are proportionate, to know to carry them, speeding up the wakening of the directions, unchaining precocious acquisitions, providing to a compositor development with creativity and pleasure.