France Spain

The victory approaches the feminine selection to the quarters of end of the match. It is the first combined triumph of Spanish in this the second phase (66-57). Latvia planted face but it ended up yielding before the greater quality of Spain. The feminine Spanish selection of basketball obtained before Latvia, thanks to its good dnsa, as important victory as necessary, first of the second phase that, in addition, it places in good position to reach the quarters of end to the national combined one. After falling quarter in front of France, conscious in the last than it was in game, Spain left in whirlwind with strong dnsa and arranged to run in attack to the smaller opportunity.

Thanks to it hardly secured a 6-0 initial in average minute and before Latvia that failed much in attack and that needed ten possessions to obtain his first basket. Nevertheless the Baltic selection found too much soon the antidote against the Hispanic energy, a pressing zone that cut by root the fluidity of points in attack, where once again it lay down in lack to Amaya Valdemoro. For more than five minutes the Spanish equipment was not able to write down a single point and Latvia gave back to the partisan, placing a meager tie to six in the marker. At the end of the first period, 13-10. A low marker that reflected how dnsas of both equipment was dominated the attacks. Latvia did not change to its exposition dnsivo in the second fourth and national equipment, although fitting his attacking movements, it followed with annotation problems. The best thing was than Spain followed with great dnsa and so the Baltic also followed with problems at the time of seeing the hoop. The marker followed very even and short, but in the last three Spain minutes it began to find solutions of the hand of A na Montaana and its attendances to Sancho Lyttle, whereas in dnsa it maintained the level with sporadic changes to zone and pressing after free shots or serves of band.

The Reality

Many deficient physicists have normal intelligence and he becomes them to this apt to develop some types of activities. It has some types of physical deficiency: amputated hemiplegia, paraplegia, tetraplegia, people and also those that already had been born deficient, are the case of the people who had suffered cerebral paralysis. The fight for the inclusion of the deficient physicist passes for a moment structural where already the questions of acceptance and conceptualization had been surpassed, therefore the law compels those that if dissimulate innocents to accept inherent the conditions specific of each deficient citizen, if it does not respect it for proper conscience is formed to respect and to coexist for act of law that, even so of knowledge of few makes the difference for those considered different. Our society comes modifying its physical structure gradually to propitiate access to all, mainly to the deficient physicists. In some places the creation of laws was necessary compelling the adequacy of public building, sidewalk, transports, etc. and is interesting to stand out that the private establishments had also adhered to this requirement, for enxergar the deficient one as human being with equal potential to the one of the too much citizens, either as collaborating or as customer.

The inclusion of the deficient physicist in the school already is reality, either for initiative of the family, the proper school or for act of law and the problem now is as to guarantee the access (physical structure) and permanence with development of the learning, a time that the majority of the deficient physicists possesss normal intellectual capacity. So that it has quality in the education offered to the deficient one is necessary, beyond the pedagogical adaptations and it fits to the professor to fight for the necessary resources for the development of its work. An exception, some professionals of the education say that they accept the deficiency carrier, but in the reality they do not obtain to demonstrate this acceptance and they blame the educational system for this imperfection, therefore they believe that they would have to receive qualification to surpass the proper deficiency (fails in formation or perception of the reality).

Surviving Give

Just the ones that had to serve to they had chosen that Are useful them to it the Pavoneamento in beautiful Speeches that destoam of its perverse attitudes What to make? Since the beginning of history it was and it continues being thus; the law of the savagery Invigorates, although to call Pensante species Yes and are; they think, they scheme In weaveeing traps and to defend its matilha sly, fierce wolves Had become That the new abilities had acquired capacity to unite Agility of hunting; Specialty to conspire slaughter strategies! They had developed taste for the slaughter Indifferent to the necessity of the hunger to satisfy Had become insaciveis, already it is not more for Surviving that they overwhelm but to give solution to the sadist pleasure Remembering that our Country also Is connivent with the Bloody wars when manufacturing and to export warlike Equipment. Also it promotes the consumption Of automachine vehicles Generating estresse more that it kills, Than cancer it induces and it in that Hereditarily they are inclined But the propaganda is against the Abusive use of cigarettes and foods That Only cause damages to the physical health. Sages of how much the pollution and the consuming in the traffic and, the alcoholic beverage use indiscriminate It is highly harmful to the body has lain Human, as much that when in the contact With the whites our indians had acquired Such habit desvirtuaram of its healthy Behaviors and Millenarian culture had put and them to the edge of its proper ones. Alcoholic beverage vitiates cause Cerebral damage intervenes with the Social behavior not only sweetens the user as all group In which this is inserted But the propaganda is allowed Beer! Beer! ' ' Innocent cerveja' ' enaltecida (propaganda generates income! It is the crisis of values) To give account of the collective depression and it estresse of it for excess of work Badly remunerated e, to silence the revolt Before the abusive tributaries This cervejinha that it leads to caipirinha and to the use of other narcotics! Widely and allowedly used In familiar meeting, Relaxed meetings to the side sea, vacation Introducing examples to the minors Of as to deal with the impotence before a Pseudo democracy and affective problems Badly decided, these that for signal make it difficult the ppulao to place themselves with auto sufficient esteem Ahead to disobediences! The government disdains the high cost of the tickets of the collective transports and its precariousness, also Has the indifference with the highways Indifferent to the difficulty of the substance transport cousin and foods beyond almost not giving to the minim to the difficulties Of the profession drivers national Heroes! It does not make possible, it promotes the use Of alternative ways, fluvial and maritime it does not develop ciclovias that would be salutares What they make the health department and Transports? Busy for idiosyncratic or ignorant In the best one of the hypotheses! Appealing to the Ruy Barbosa; ' ' It has as many donkeys ordering in intelligence men, that, to the times, I am thinking that the burrice is a science ' ' We forget in them excessively, we exempt ourselves Of the responsibilities of in the good informing To get infuriated ourselves, we become Tame lambs, enslaved masochists Who give up to fight Declining behaviors.

Transit: A Problem Of All

Transit: A Problem of All Wanderson Vitor Boareto Graduated History and Bachelor in law, After Graduated History and Social Construction, Docncia of Superior Ensino and Enterprising Education. Summary In recent years the increase of the exacerbado volume of the vehicles raises the tax accidents and imprudence on the part of the pedestrians and the conductors. In this direction the responsibility is yes of the public agencies, but we have that to make our part to brighten up the urban traffic and to diminish the ambient effect. Words Keys Transports, Cars, Motions, Society, Education In the south of Mines, small the average cities a problem are each more present time, the transit. In the majority of the cities it has a lack of projects that brighten up this chaotic reality. The old villages that today are the cities, had not been planned to have the great movement of cars and motions that if have today and that to each day it grows more. What to make? Since in the center of these cities, the streets are very pressed and the parking is reduced in space. In the city of Varginha, South of Mines, this picture is still worse, the city hall is postponing measured that according to them they can improve the transit in our city.

The case is that transit does not offer votes, and as all the politicians drink of the same water, that is re-election is difficult to decide problems that could benefit to all the population. The reality is that the car was as model and power and of status, is common in a house nowadays to have more than a vehicle, this automobile that many times is dispensable in the daily routines is a wealth symbol. This is so common that it is observed in the adolescents who before exactly of if thinking about vestibular contest or a remunerated occupation if speak in taking off the qualification.

Club State

Inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro x Flamengo, 1912 As she is known, the Club of Flamengo Regattas entered the soccer in 24.11.1911, when, in general meeting, she created a section of terrestrial sports, to accomodate the players who, unsatisfied with Inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro, had moved of club. What almost never it is remembered is that the ingression of the rubro-black in the 1912 championship had the support of Inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro. According to Toms Mazzoni, after the incorporation of the formerones, division of Liga remained the admission in 1. He was when ' ' the proper Inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro, under the initiative of its director next to Liga, Mario Polar region, helped with affection the acceptance of the Flamengo for the vacant that Liga opens for the 1912 championship, therefore recognized that the ingression of a new club would benefit to the championship carioca' '. America x Villegaignon, 1915 First championship of basketball of Liga Metropolitan of Sports Athlticos (the same one of the soccer), first turn.

Game marked between America and Villegaignon but this does not appear. America simply refused the points of the W and insisted on one new date for the departure. According to Alfredo Guillermo Koehler, one of the founders of America (in 1904), introducer of basquete in the club (in 1912) and player of the American teams, ' ' no glory results of triumphs assim' '. Then, new departure was marked. America lost for 32×15 e, with this, finished in third place, exceeded for the Villegaignon, that was with vice-championship. Inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro x Is Cristvo, 1924 In the championship of voleibol, Inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro and Is Cristvo finishes tied up to in first place. In the sattle of matter game, the club cadet was successful.

The Majority

2.2.4? Increase of the volume of residues Allies to these problems of housing, of the ambient point of view the great urban centers and the areas metropolitans if confrot with a volume of solid residues, constituted of the residential garbage, industrial garbage, hospital garbage, for the rubbish of the civil construction and for the question of the treatment of the sanitary exhaustions. Beyond of this, centers and areas of these dimensions if still confrot with the problems of floodings and floods, decurrent amongst other factors, of the canalization of streams, natural escoadouros of rains, and the destruction of the ciliar bush of its edges. In the areas metropolitans and the majority of the great urban centers, the quality of air diminishes to each day, in result of the pollution of the vehicles and, in great number of cases, of the industrial pollution, due to presence of plants. 2.2.5? Problems of transports In the whole world if recognize that, in the present time, displacement is synonymous of suffering, either serving themselves of the public transport, either appealing to the private transport. The use of the public transports implies in an extreme time of and waits, with long lines and extreme time of displacements and, in many situations, with necessity of overflow, implying, in turn, in more open assembly time and more expenses with transports.

The fleets of more insufficient collective transports are each time to supply one increasing demand of users, leading the trips you discomforted for its supercapacity. The ways of transports have that to hold volume of traffic of vehicles, collective and private, above and beyond its limits. This leads to the worsening in the quality of the ways, due to extreme overload of vehicles, that leads to the worsening in its conditions of use, becoming the delayed displacements more still. In relation to the private transports, still the inconveniences exist to park and to keep the vehicles.

Intelligent Goals

Filter 3. – They are verifiable: This he is probably one of the aspects which the majority of people vacillates at the time of establishing goals and objectives, because it is to indicate how they will verify or they will realize of they have reached which them already. Example: To obtain an increase in the annual sales average of 6% with respect to the previous year. Here it is very easy to realize if the goal is obtained or no, and of not taking shape, how much lack to arrive at the wished situation. Very different to wish ” solely; To sell ms”. The goals and objectives must be measurable and quantifiable. Filter 4.

– They are realistic: To draw up to goals and objectives very superficially of our reach, our capacities and present situation have only a name: AUTOSABOTAJE. If for example somebody that does not do anything of exercise fixes as it puts: ” To arrive in the first place from the marathon of 30 km next mes” , it is very probable that it then does not obtain it does not have the suitable preparation. He is indispensable to be honest with same you and to recognize your present strengths and obstacles. To aim too high in that you have neither the experience, nor the training, nor the knowledge in a short period of time will diminish the probabilities of success and creates a sensation of low self-esteem, which takes to the downheart to draw up to new goals and objectives.

Zone North

Therefore, the creation of a system of mapping of green areas is basic so that if it can carry through next to the community a campaign of awareness and preservation. The classified square as urban green area, appeared of the necessity of the man to interact with the environment. The free access the leisure option, the presence of areas of contemplativa nature and public spaces for meeting of people and stroll of the families is essential for a harmonic convivncia. With this conception one admits that: ' ' The new square is the sucedneo to the scarcity of informal free spaces for leisure, even so either very reduced in numbers, reason of the increasing urban demand for new public spaces, whose it offers is always unbalanced in relation to the search, what if it must to the chronic difficulty of the public power to take care of it. &#039 immediately; ' (MACEDO, 1999) One of the factors that the function of a square determines, beyond the historical and social changes, is the climate.

In cities of hot climate, where the population lives to the outdoors, these spaces, many times, have function of rest, to be, leisure, practical of sports,, educative and psychological. In recent years, the bad-taste has taken advantage for the public administrators when substituting native trees for exotic trees or then the ajardinamento of the squares to show to the population an efficiency of exibicionista character, cutting, most of the time, secular trees. The squares are not respected and factors of first necessity are not considered. The exploitation of areas destined to the meetings and the strolls of people is not foreseen nor them children to play the will, BURLE MARX, (2004). 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1. Characterization of the Area of Study the square in study is placed in the Memorare quarter, capital, Zone North of Teresina of the state of the Piau, whose city is located 0505? of latitude S and 4230? longitude W, the altitude is of 79m above sea level.


Tinnitus in a problem (or symptom) very common that it affects people of all the ages, but perhaps one of the age niches where they affect more their annoyances is in the adolescence. The adolescent is a person of changing, generally irritable character and with ” problemas” very subjective often product of the own age, the hormonal changes and the social agreements. It is very normal that due to the accelerated life of the adolescent and his escaza affection by the professionals of the health, for when this one comments: ” I listen to a humming in my odo” , it comes dragging this problem for some time, but it only pays the due attention to him when it begins to affect the normal development of its activities. When tinnitus only begins to affect its concentration, its dream or complica the normal interaction with its pairs, this one understands that it has a problem by which it must consult with a specialist. Which is also known, that tinnitus usually affects much the moods, added to the own changes of humor of the age, can to do of the adolescent patient with tinnitus, a person very difficult to try. The specialistic doctor can become complicated to empatizar correctly with these patients to obtain a correct diagnosis. Another aggravating factor of tinnitus in this particular stage of the life is that the adolescent is exposed much more to elevated sonorous sources in the scopes by where moves Regarding the above (dance, recitales halls, celebrations, etc.) previously, is of great importance that the adolescent patient who listens to a humming in his ear (or acufenos), finds in his pairs and their majors the containment and patience necessary to feel included and accompanied during the process of diagnosis and treatment of the pathology associated to its suffering. There is a well-known but very effective method little that is guaranteed to cause that the acfenos disappear for always. If you want to read as I personally managed accidentally to eliminate the acfenos, there are Click Here.


As much in the learning phase, as in the phases of perfectionist and training in swimming, what it is observed is the repetition of the movements. The proposal of this practical is to awake in the pupils the attention for the knowledge of the proper body, as main factor for such practical, and not it technique of the movements as primary condition for the learning. Conclusion: We believe that swimming, allied to the context of the complexity and contrary the mechanist theory, it can provide conditions of a complete, educative learning, when the movement works as a whole: the senatorial one, the engine, the corporal perception and the self-knowledge, in a dynamic interrelation with the environment. From the experiences offered during swimming, the deficient appearance can understand the world where it is and act properly in it. It is not important to enjoy of the experiences and yes, only to know to use them in day-by-day, as for example, the perceptional, the corporal self-knowledge and the limits of the body, and, through the challenges that are proportionate, to know to carry them, speeding up the wakening of the directions, unchaining precocious acquisitions, providing to a compositor development with creativity and pleasure.