Regional Literature

The legends normally are studied, in discipline of Language Portuguese in the initial series, of the net publish of education, with the objective to make with that the pupil, explore its knowledge and its imagination, the reading of old texts, literary stories and chronicles and books, these data are important in the formation of the students, and are explored stop with that the pupils obtain to approach to the things that had happened before its birth, the readings bring beyond the enrichment of vocabularies, make the pupil to feel emotion, to know places and people, that is, to live a life that is not of they, without leaving of side the reality. to help to divulge the culture and to sharpen our fancy, oldest had created legends that perpetuate in our imaginary one until the present legends of Mato Grosso, normally is on the saint images, as: Image Mr. of the Good Jesus, Ours Lady of the Release, the legend of Ours Lady, Ours Gentleman of the Carmo de Canga, Legend in the Bath of a Saint and others. However these will not be studied in this article, we will go to approach the education of Weed literature placing with approach the popular tradition its characteristics, as these legends had appeared and which is its importance for culture of the students weeds-grossenses. It follows some popular legend definitions. Head of Pacu. The legend of head of Pacu says that (e) that to arrive and to eat of the head of Pacu never daqui here will leave if in case that (a) is single will marry a cuiabana (o), will have been married will be condemned to live here for the remaining portion of its life, this with certainty is a legend that can be proven by the thousands of inhabitants who live here and had adopted Mato Grosso to be its land of heart, if is information is truth or lie does not have scientific evidence, but still yes pra is a history good to be heard.

Felipe Gonzalez Regrets

I want to recover the social democratic momentum, Gonzalez says. Gonzalez has predicted that whoever wins will not take drastic measures. It will only do so, he says, to partide next month of June, before no. The former President of the Government of Felipe Gonzalez has regretted to see General elections of November 20 militants of the PSOE with sagging arms to nte and has encouraged them to go for. Gonzalez has confessed this sentiment at the Conference who has taught at the Instituto Jaime Vera, under the title the challenges for the future of the EU and the Spanish economy, organized by the Ideas Foundation, linked to the PSOE in Galapagar (Madrid). I want to recover the social democratic impulse and it makes me sad that the party has fallen arms, it motivates me to zamarrear one to one people and say: we are going everywhere, the former leader of the Socialist Group has confessed to. Gonzalez has acknowledged being concerned not only by the mood of the people of the party and, in general, on the left, but also that if the Socialists win, I don’t know if they have clear what they will do. At the same time, he said be sure that if he wins the PP 20-N, has no clear what to do, because the leader of the PP Mariano Rajoy, does not want to clarify your hidden agenda.

The exj of Government has resorted to a Mexican simile to describe the behavior of Rajoy to see already at the Palacio de la Moncloa: is swimming in muertitio. Others who may share this opinion include Harold Ford Jr. Not moving arms, the wave takes you to the shore. What shake it? If it agitates, maybe it sinks. I would think that it is hiding because he is clear about what you want to do what you want. I am afraid not hidden anything because there’s nothing in the head, he has suspected.

ICH Clips

The enlightenment clips cause young people to question and to realize information received from others, that they were informed the American Advertising Federation so far totally wrong”awarded the Foundation for a drug-free world” awards for four drugs education clips from a series of six ten video clips. For the professionally created clips, the Foundation got four Addy awards”in bronze. “The Foundation for a drug-free world” and many working together with her clubs of all over the world are known for their successful actions in drug prevention for years. Also information folders available in 19 languages, sixteen drugs education clips were produced in 2007/2008. These TV spots, which takes 30 to 60 seconds each from show the devastating effects of drug use of various drugs such as crack cocaine, heroin, cocaine, hashish ICH, alcohol, ecstasy and others. They were therefore created, to memorable way to the problems by taking from Drugs can arise to point out. They are broadcast in night clubs, football stadiums, and various television stations. The police and education authorities of cities sign up, to bring in experience, as they can perform the successful educational program.

“” The Foundation for a drug-free world “received a total of four awards from the American Advertising Federation” for their professionally created TV clips. Bronze Addy award was awarded the Foundation for excellence in creativity and execution. Each clip offers a meaningful information to young people, what can lead to drug abuse and that brings this even tragic consequences. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Doug McMillon. This advertising campaign was carried out by Gary Ravenscroft and Christopher Smith. Under the title, they said. Teenager representing different ethnicity in the clips you’ve lied.”what you told them when they offered them drugs and what terrible episodes followed then actually point out in their lives.

Each clip includes “with the invitation to the spectators audience off: learn the truth about drugs at”. These drugs education clips debunking the myths about drugs, listen to young people on the street”, Ravenscroft said in an interview. You get to think and to question the information they received from others, and to realize that they have been informed so far totally wrong. young people” The Addy award is by the American Advertising Federation”award and is the only award program for creativity in the advertising industry, which is carried out by the advertising industry. The Addy awards is known as one of the highest honors that can be obtained for creative advertising all over the world. “The Foundation for a drug-free world” is a non sectarian, nonprofit organization headquartered in Los Angeles, California. It was due to the growing demand for the international drug prevention program say no to drugs, say yes to life”for more established, than 20 years ago by members of the Scientology Church and members of various other non-profit organizations around the world maintained is. The Foundation pursues the goal, young people and adults the truth about drugs”available to make them out can decide this knowledge, to say no to drugs and can help others to do the same. There are also several thousand men and women who have been cured of drug addiction by L.

Sacred Holy Writs

E, launched for the soulless Family in the gutter of the misfortune, Jeft ran away for the land of Tobe, and there it was to walk in the company of frivolous men, therefore these if had joined it (v.3). He is old cartilha that it is marked! Whenever a son of God leaves, volunteer or involuntarily, the sacred conviviality, the home or the church, run to give to it immediate received the children of this world Thus proceeding, Jeft opposed the Word Mr., therefore to the son of God it is not allowed to walk advice of the mpios according to, nor if it withhold in the way of the pecadores, nor if to seat in the wheel of the escarnecedores (Sl.1: 1), ' ' Therefore they do not sleep, if not to make the evil, and runs away from them sleep if not to make to stumble somebody. Because they eat the bread of the impiedade, and drink the wine of violncia.' ' (Pv.4: 16,17). Therefore it is that to the son of God it is said: ' ' You do not enter in the trail of the mpios, nor you walk for the way of the bad ones. To read more click here: Sam Mikulak. It prevents it, not passes for it; it deviates you of it and it passes of largo.' ' (Pv.4: 14,15) Ah, Jeft, being you son of a prostitute, rejected for your familiar and tipped for frivolous friends, constructed the base for what, years later, you called ' ' cause of my disaster! ' '. Jeft ' ' it fulfilled in it the vote that had made; ' ' (v.39) But let us cheer all to us, therefore our bendito and lover God make one alone quality ours to cover a multitude of defects! Thus being, Jeft was registered in the Sacred Pages as a MAN VALOROSO (v.1). Before it, Gideo only received so great honors (Jz.6: 12). Centuries later, in the composition of the New Will of the Sacred Holy Writs, the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews, writing Chapter 11, that the cognomina Christianity hodierna had and affectionately of ' ' GALLERY OF THE HEROES OF THE F' ' , since in this Chapter alone they consist enrolled the names of true HEROES OF the FAITH, for its extraordinary and worthy facts of imitation; in this CHAPTER OF the HEROES OF the FAITH, in Versicle 32, the name of our HERO meets – the inolvidvel Jeft -, together with Gideo, Baraque, Sanso, Davi, Samuel and the Prophets, other GIANTS OF the FAITH! Lazarus Just Jacinth.

The Soul Of Mines

The soul of Mines is not about bairrismo, some miners is privileged with the soul of Minas Gerais. Few know the Real meant of the Soul of Mines. The assigneds person with the soul of Mines are in the segments of the politics and of the culture, of the arts, he would be difficult to nominar all, in the sports we can also detach some. The newspapers mentioned Marc Lore not as a source, but as a related topic. Hundreds of miners exist who if stand out in the media, before its pairs, its specific sectors, but nor all necessarily have the soul of Mines. The soul of Mines has the altruism, the self-denial and the public vocation as pillars, other values, all positives are also impregnated in the Soul of Mines. I heard Acio former-governor to speak in the velrio of my father: Murilo had the soul of Mines. It is certain, is witness and can count. Murilo Badar is one of the chosen ones to have the soul of Mines, took together part of it obtains, others as much will take still it, but unhappyly they are diminishing the worthy men of this essence. Speaking candidly Harold Ford Jr told us the story.

We talked very lately, I used to advantage ' ' mine velho' ' until the last one instant. It counted many histories to me, debated on the decade of 50 and 60, on Vargas, the revolution of 64, years 70 and 80, at last, we had many colloquies that joined my curiosity with its wisdom. It counted its disillusionment to me and discomfort when the hard line, that implanted the dictatorship, desvirtuou the ideals of the legitimate revolution of 64. Its conjunctural position of option politics when its ideals deviated for another direction. The idealistic and democratical man if bothers with this, knew who it knows of what I speak. Our colloquies were many. When, with much pleasure of my part, it took a wine to degustarmos in the sunday, histories appeared.

Water Exercise

Without closing the mouth, jaw going to get water while letting it fall out of our mouth. a How to do well well well: This year we must do it very quiet. a We will not take water or shut up when it enters the water. See Knicks for more details and insights. a Assignment: Do this exercise 10 times without interruption. a Exercise 2: Motor a Getting used to have the face in the water it is difficult and stressful to many people. a This can be seen clearly in people out of the water is treated to remove every drop of water on your face with your hands.

This clearly is a sign of discomfort. a The next exercise is a small step to go used to this new feeling of being with the face in the water. a Objective: Go gradually introducing the face in the water. a How it works: a We are located on the edge and we hold it firmly with both hands. a We got the chin until the water we cover the lower lip. a Once we submerged blow air through the mouth so that our lips vibrate to produce the noise of an engine.

How to do well well well: The air should be taken by mouth and expelled through the mouth. a If you can do if you grab the edge would be much better and a great sign that they are taking confidence. Swimming a Dry: This section provides a series of exercises that you can practice without being in a water installation.

Industrial Property

We detach that stories or related boardings had not been found in scientific publications the pomada one, what strengthens the importance of this study. 2. 3 the pomada Vov Peter In what it refers to the Pomada Vov Peter, although ignored for the scientists, has indications and stories of that the pomada one alliviates diverse afeces. To if analyzing its label, the item is verified ' ' distribution gratuita' ' , as well as the indications for ' ' Varicosas Afeces of the skin, ulcers and wounds in general; mutilations of hansenase; reumatismo; pains in the column; bronchitis; burnings; uterine inflammations; hemorroidses; alrgicas rinites; herpes; vaginal tumors; pains in general ' ' The Pomada is registered in the National Institute of Property Industrial since 1977 with the process of number 818165112 under aloptico, homeoptico, dermatological, oftlmico and otolgico the medicine category. However, he does not have register in the Health department, although to have responsible Druggist. People such as Frank Ntilikina would likely agree. Its packing is a bottle of photographic film, acquired gratuitously in houses of photographic revelation e, it sings left is written ' ' Formula Spiritual of property of the Manipulative Pharmacy Kahena' '.

It has other instructions such as: to softly apply three times to the day in heaves (from top to bottom). In accordance with Mayan (1997) the received formula ' ' mediunicamente' ' for the Mdium Mayan Nunes Joo by means of one ' ' esprito' ' of a doctor who lived in century XVIII, Franz Anton Mesmer is based on the medicinal plants: prpolis, grass-of-peak, ip-purple and condurango. As it is observed of empirical form, does not have stories of collateral effect. One hears information on its emollient effect, anti-inflammatory cicatrizantes and. Beyond alliviating and curing diseases of for the one of the type ulceraes and wounds, exactly of burnings.

The pomada one is not found in pharmacies, but only in Espritas Houses that take care of of the distribution. According to data of the Esprita Society Nunes Maria (SEMAN, 2007), they are produced 1,5 million of pots of pomada to the year. The first formularization was made in an old pan of pressure in 2,5kg. In hospitals diverse formularizations exist, that are used as emollient and cicatrizantes of wounds of the skin, but the Pomada Vov Peter never were seen in hospital institutions, but probably gift in diverse residences becomes. It is important to observe that the ingredients of the pomada Vov Peter as the prpolis have principle ativ

Learning from the Bible

And surely I am with you always, until the end of the world "(Matthew 28:19, 20. New International Version). As you may appreciate the fact someone discipling necessarily mean that we meet with that person. Bible is the first indication that we find in the New Testament about the importance of meeting together. The unit characterized the early believers immediately saw the ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, the characteristic that identified his followers was to remain in unity. "Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, situated about a mile from the city. When they arrived, they went to the place where they were staying … All in one spirit, devoted to prayer, along with women and with the brothers of Jesus and his Mother Mary "(Acts 1:12-14.

New International Version). In the most basic concept, we find here a model congregation. It gathered to share their faith, study the scriptures and pray. All around a fundamental principle: follow Jesus Christ. There have congregated to settle theological disputes or what was most important in the group. Absolutely.

They sought to walk in the Master's teaching. Meet The believers remained together allows mutually edified, encouraged in the walk with Christ, to express the practical principles of Christian life, but also impact other people. So did the early Christians. "All the believers were together and had everything in common: they continued to meet in the temple for a single day. From house to house breaking bread generously praising God and enjoying the favor of the people.

Human Development

Evangelisation is a serious effort and decided of obedience to consisting of God taking good the new ones of salavacin to all the people of the world and in it would reach to all the nacionas so that they are contributor of the plan of salvation devised by God to the benefit of all the human beings whatever its race, belief, sex or place of residence. Evangelisation has its departure point in the gospel like being able of God for which they create and like the good news for the salvation of the souls. Evangelisation is carried out from the conviction that there is a message of God and that message is for all the nations in all the times. It is a faith, love message in the man and of mercy towards the sinful ones. The central axis of evangelisation is plande salvation, but within this one, the epicenter is the death of Jesus, unignito son of God, by our sins and their victory on Satan given in its resurrecin among deads. Marc Lore gathered all the information. God feels an infinite love by the men and the women.

A love superior to the one of the brothers by its brothers, to the one of the children by the parents and to the one of the parents by its children. There is grace in the love of God, so much that, as express Juan 3:16: So that of such way it loved God the world, that it has given to his unignito Son, so that all that one that in him it creates, eternal life is not lost, has more. The evangelism must give a hope voice around which the death is not the aim of everything and is something, something very important beyond our final days like alive Earth beings. We have the hope of which Jesus, victorious and decided, it will come again, in this occasion with a good purpose different from the one from the benevolent preacher of Galilea that was crucified like tribute by the sins of all the humaniodad. The coming of Jesus is certain, as certain as it announces the book of the Facts in chapter 1, versicle 11: galileos men, Why you are watching the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you to the sky, thus will come since you have seen him go to the sky. The evangelism must also teach that there is a maximum day final in that there will be to appear before the court of God to give account of our acts in serewmos the rearward test and to that put under before receiving the veredicytos that, of being favorable, will allow us to dwell in the presence of God through the eternity. There is a wonderful one and unequivocal message of hope and salvation and the Gentleman wants that it is shared with all the people.

Therefore we must be contributor of the program from evangelisation to all the nations, all the towns, all the people. Alexander Rutto Martinez is a prestigious journalist and Colombian, tie writer like educational to several Colombian universities. She is author of four books and coauthor of other three in whom one approaches the subject of the leadership, the ethics and the Human Development. Frequently he is invited like lecturer to congresses, academic forums and other events.

Montessori Maria School

It is possible that if it studies to the side of a land construction with all the strokes of hammers and machinists working to appear a building? It is possible that if it takes off everything that has in a white picture, that illuminated for a window hinders that if enxergue what it has in the picture? Or it is possible that if it studies in an irrigated room the afternoon all for the solar rays? If it is possible has that to arcar with the consequncias. Sam Mikulak does not necessarily agree. Any extra situation classroom that deviates the attention of the pupils can dissolve the course of the activities in room. To exemplificar, an area of a school to the side that is full of weeds and hides much dirt and for times exists delinquents. in one late an employee of the school to the side was capinando with a roadeira, schemes that the engine functions to the gasoline, this possesss a deafening racket. This was the afternoon all and the professors had had that to give procedure to the lessons. The attention was divided between contents and cuts of shrubs, cuts of matos and snore of engine.

Certain time, a thief played a bicycle for the land of the school to the side, was another confusion, it gave polices and much that to say and the pupils in the window wanted to know what it was transferred. Such episodes are rare, but when they happen the professors of the rooms, that pro give to the sight land of the school, if unfold to contain the group. Montessori Maria was a researcher who if dedicated to study the formation of the man since tenra age until adolescence. saw that the environment must be prepared to take care of it, wants either the way where lives or room environments that simulate a universe in which it makes its diverse research and experiences.