Brief description of the production process of cigars many aficionados have asked himself certainly this question after they occasionally resort to enjoy of a good cigar, which is available in every specialized cigars online shop,. The production process considerable knowledge and skills, which dominate only professionals behind. Already growing important steps be traced to, so that the tobacco plants the best leaves can flourish. A cigar consists of three parts, namely the deposit, the binder and the wrapper. The right blend of tobaccos gives their taste. This leaves experts are carefully selected and processed. The production process is summarized in the following sections executed.
First, the seed is prepared until after germination. For the acreage to be flat, so that the seed is not washed away by the rain. The seeds are covered with fabric or straw to protect them from direct sunlight. The cover is gradually withdrawn as the plant begins to sprout. The fields are sprayed after about 35 days with pesticides. Then planting out the seedlings in the fields. The tobacco plants are underground water and the leaves by rain or dew.
Each part of the cigar needed other types of tobacco leaf, a different method is used in their cultivation. Only certain tobacco plants used for the production of the cover pages, for example, Connecticut or Corojo. The plants are covered with a layer of fabric, which is mounted on wooden poles. This layer protects the plants from the direct solar radiation and allows the plants to remain thin and fine. The pages are sorted by color, to do this, the following keys are: ligero (easy), seco (dry), viso (bright), amarillo (yellow), medio tiempo (medium), quebrado (broken). The tobacco plant, which leaves are used for the deposit as well as the binder, thrive in the Sun. The leaves are labeled between volado, seco classified and ligero”. The volado “sheets come from the bottom of the plant and are used to a better combustion of the cigar. (Source: Bobby Sharma Bluestone). The seco “sheets give the cigar a slight taste in contrast to the ligero” – leaves, which most fail in taste. While the seco “leaves from the center of the plant, are located the ligero” leaves on the top pane. To produce a high-quality cigar, describes the top leaf types so put together, that the cigar gets light or strong flavors. The tasteless and broken leaves are used for machine-made cigars. Stay after the harvest the leaves in a Hall between 45 and 60 days to dry, they lose their green colour, by the green chlorophyll to the Brown carotene. The carotene gives them their characteristic brown color. The Brown tobacco leaves in three-meter pile of fermentation are subsequently stacked. Meanwhile, the temperature should be the brand do not exceed 33 Celsius. After about forty days the damaged leaves are discarded and the rest fermented Celsius for sixty days a43. The cigar of pure tobacco contains less nicotine, tar and acids as a normal cigarette due to the fermentation process. In the production, the leaves for a better formability are wet. Of Torcedor rolls the single leaves and presses together for an hour, to make the deposit. Then sheathes the cigar with a single wrapper. One of the heads is sealed with a clear and odorless plant rubber. Last cigar is cut and get their appropriate role of gang.