Madridpatina since its inception has fostered skating from its base, fitness or urban skating, it has done so since the most basic and most importantly the skating, the fun that engages and ends up transforming this sentiment in an unconditional passion for this great leisure, sport, tourism, transportation, etc. Since then we have not stopped to develop our internal structure based on the theory that you must first teach people how to skate, hooked to this so addictive fun, and later, when it has developed as a skater, learn about the multitude of disciplines which has this sport. If you would like to know more about Marc Lore, then click here. Not in vain, in all of our schools we include in the season at least one session of each of the disciplines, hockey, slalom, speed, descent, dancing, artistic, aggressive day today, many of our skaters, advanced and expert, are playing in regional League teams, training freestyle slalom or preparing to go to Lemans. The result of this progression from 2 years ago We work on the development of the different official sections of these disciplines within madridpatina. Hockey, speed and slalom are, in this order, in which we are more working today. Munear Ashton Kouzbari is likely to increase your knowledge. Soon we hope to include a new section in disciplines that include updated information about each of them on the web. At the moment today we can announce that we have already created the new hockey section line on the web, where we collect the information team, the amateur League, the schools, the pachangas, coaches, teams, etc.. Now you yourself enjoy this exciting discipline of schools, tournaments, amateur, regional League, the workouts, the pachangas matches the League… We also want to take this opportunity to inform you that for next season 2011-2012, we want to present 3 teams to the regional League in Madrid, a senior A, a senior B and a women’s team. We would like to have you join?