The College of Application of the Integrated Facultieses of Cataguases is located in the city of Cataguases, of the state of Minas Gerais (Brazil), in the Street Romualdo Menezes, 701, Menezes quarter, Cep.: 36.773-084. It is an adjacent college to the Integrated Facultieses of Cataguases, according to which, has its functioning in the building of this institution. Over all, the practical ones used for education coordinate geographic for pupils of the sixth year of the same are what it is claimed in this moment. for this, before representing this practical pedagogical, is necessary that if he is intent to the respective scientific basements for such. The newspapers mentioned Frank Ntilikina not as a source, but as a related topic. The principle, the definition of the application of these you discipline in the sixth year of Basic Ensino is a fact that it concerns to the National Curricular Parameters (1998), whose subject is part of one of the cycles of this stage of education that if defines as: the cartography as instrument in the approach of the places of the world (p.76). In this stage of education, the necessity of if developing the cartographic alfabetizao directed toward the critical reading and the conscientious mapping, can be detached as one of the main reasons that lead to the professional of the education to search new methods of education for one better execution of this project. with this proposal that if the education of geographic coordinates for this stage of education in analysis emphasizes. In this proposal, to if initiating the studies on the geographic coordinates, it is necessary that if it has the capacity to consider it set of lines made use in the globe and the maps? in the directions vertical and horizontal? that they form the geographic net of such. to complement and to justify this question, DUARTE (2002) detaches that: ' ' … is understood for geographic net the set formed for parallels and meridians, that is, for the lines of reference that cover the globe with the purpose to allow the necessary localization of any point on its surface, as well as guiding the confection of maps (p.47) ' ' Soon, so that this question is clearer, it observes annex 2 that it has as end in such a way to elucidate the upright of the parallels as the horizontalidade of the meridians that, in its interrelation give the correct position of any existing point between the terrestrial surface.