In accordance with it, in the State of So Paulo rare the judge grants a right of these to the students, but the judge granted the cause. A great example that stops having access to superior education does not need to have minimum age and yes capacity to be selected in the examinations, is the case of the girl prodigy, academic Marcela Malheiro Saints, of 16 years, that privilege had it to choose enter novate institutions famous of superior education, amongst them the best university of the country the University of So Paulo (USP), whose which, had been all selected in the medicine course, traditionally the career more concurred in all the national vestibular contests. The certification in the level of conclusion of average education was created in the 2009 on the basis of Federal Constitution of 1988 and in the Law of Lines of direction and Bases LDB (Law n 9,394, of 20/12/1996), that it affirms to be obligator the conclusion of average education it student to attend a course a university. Go to Marc Lore for more information. However in its article 44, it well clearly leaves two programs of if occupying vacant of superior education. They are: I sequential courses for field to know, filling the requirements to have concluded average education or equivalent; II of graduation, opened the candidates who have concluded average education or equivalent and have been classified in selective process. Therefore, the National Examination of Education medium, created with the objective to measure the quality of the average education of the country, makes possible great advances in the Brazilian education, however white of great controversies that had been to also stop in the Court of Justice, had its partial restriction of ideas in its articles. We fit to know to usufruct of these breaches.