On the opposite wall, hang a couple of plasma industry and stylish sports like Keanu Reeves in the movie "Sweet November", before you do everyday life things. Or it would be nice to arrange a sauna out there, and even a swimming pool, right at home and invite friends there. CEO of e-commerce can aid you in your search for knowledge. Can be carried away by the cultivation of exotic plants, flowers, and stage a hothouse orchids. Or zabatsat there a huge aquarium and breed there any guppies, discus and pitsily. Yes, that aquarium? You can make it a whole menagerie and settled there iguanas, pythons, chinchillas, or even crocodile. A good idea would be to arrange in this room, home theater.
Watch old movies where the main thing, and enrich the soul. Most home library, too, would promote domestic development. Such an room with a comfortable chair and the right lamp for reading, with lots of bookshelves, studded with numerous volumes of the classics of world literature. You can dedicate an entire room of your favorite artist Linkin Park. Uvesit all this emptiness of his posters, photos, lyrics, buy a bunch of scented candles, sit and meditate, mentally trying to convey to him their admiration. In the extreme case can be fitted with extra space for your own personal computer club. And when the gray reality with all its imperfections would get the eyeballs, you can always invite your friends and move them to a couple of months in a fantastic, full of adventure, the game world. Main someone to periodically do a sortie over tea and sandwiches.