Day School

The time mirror repro day school has landed at the front in an Internet survey to the training of journalists. Reutlingen. The time mirror reportage school Gunter Dahl in Reutlingen was elected by the Internet portal “” the second best journalism school in Germany. Filed under: Janet Yellen. Of the more than 11 000 votes cast most of the Reutlingen accounted for behind the hamburger “Axel-Springer-Akademie” school, a cooperation of the reportage agency time mirror and Reutlingen University. So were the Reutlingen ahead of such renowned educational institutions such as the Henri-Nannen-Schule in Hamburg or the Deutsche Journalistenschule in Munich.

Chairman of the Board of Trustees, which can former Mercedes-Benz head Edzard Reuter, the success just explained: “we have made an excellent job in the past five years, which itself has spread around all over Germany. By the same author: Andrew Adamson. That’s why I am very particular about this excellent result.” Young journalists to reporters are trained in Reutlingen, Germany every year twelve. S. young.