Winston Churchill once said that "Courage is the most important of all virtues, which determines all the rest." Many people who tend to occupy leadership positions face some obstacles that prevent them to do it. According to some psychologists, are the main barriers of resistance, which stand in the way of leadership growth. In the first place – our inner barriers, which include our habits, beliefs, mistakes, limitations. Also, it is our fears, anger, uncertainty, and which prevent us from going to the goal. They fear potential leaders? Fear of new situations.
Many people who want to become leaders, can not do it, because they prefer the security and convenience than the risk and novelty. New situation for them seem more dangerous than those that already exist. Fear of vulnerability. People often avoid situations in which they may do hurt, and hurt disrupt their internal psychological well-established. Behavior and expectations of others.
Quite often, family, friends limit so-called leader of the effort. After all, his zeal and commitment will lead to new successes and achievements, and this can cause animosity and jealousy on their part. Self-doubt. Development is often hampered by the fact that people do not believe in themselves and in their competence. It must be remembered that no one else may not make you change. During your development you answer yourself. So you face a choice: to learn and gain experience or conversely ignore the lessons learned to prefer the safety and allow laziness and uncertainty take over.