Therefore, the creation of a system of mapping of green areas is basic so that if it can carry through next to the community a campaign of awareness and preservation. The classified square as urban green area, appeared of the necessity of the man to interact with the environment. The free access the leisure option, the presence of areas of contemplativa nature and public spaces for meeting of people and stroll of the families is essential for a harmonic convivncia. With this conception one admits that: ' ' The new square is the sucedneo to the scarcity of informal free spaces for leisure, even so either very reduced in numbers, reason of the increasing urban demand for new public spaces, whose it offers is always unbalanced in relation to the search, what if it must to the chronic difficulty of the public power to take care of it. ' immediately; ' (MACEDO, 1999) One of the factors that the function of a square determines, beyond the historical and social changes, is the climate.
In cities of hot climate, where the population lives to the outdoors, these spaces, many times, have function of rest, to be, leisure, practical of sports,, educative and psychological. In recent years, the bad-taste has taken advantage for the public administrators when substituting native trees for exotic trees or then the ajardinamento of the squares to show to the population an efficiency of exibicionista character, cutting, most of the time, secular trees. The squares are not respected and factors of first necessity are not considered. The exploitation of areas destined to the meetings and the strolls of people is not foreseen nor them children to play the will, BURLE MARX, (2004). 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1. Characterization of the Area of Study the square in study is placed in the Memorare quarter, capital, Zone North of Teresina of the state of the Piau, whose city is located 0505? of latitude S and 4230? longitude W, the altitude is of 79m above sea level.