However, it is necessary to understand that the development is a continuous process in all the domnios of the human being, being that these if relate during all the life. The motor development became an area of interest of the professionals of the Physical Education that, in a generalized manner, can contribute for the agreement of the human development as a whole. (GALLARDO, 2000, p 55) Thus they appear to the assignment ' ' abilities bsicas' ' inside of the development chaining, since these abilities establish prerequisite essential so that all posterior acquisition is probable and accomplishes. With support in the development chaining, Harrow (1983) organized a taxionomia for the motor domain that offers the following levels: ) Reflected movements: automatic and involuntary answers that allow, in first place, the survival of the just-born e, in according to place, interaction of the baby with the environment, what it will characterize, in the future, acts volunteers, as in the case of the consequences of hold, Tonic of the neck etc. b) basic Abilities: voluntary activities that allow to the locomotion and manipulation in different situations, characterized for a general goal, serving of base for future acquisition of more complex tasks, as to walk, to run, to jump, to hurl, to kick, etc. c) percipient Abilities: motor activities that involve the perception of the executant, through which visual, auditory, tteis and sinestsicos the stimulatons received are interpreted by the superior cerebral centers that emit a decision as reply, having made possible the adjustment to the environment. d) Physical capacities: essences in the execution of a motor ability are the functional characteristics.
When developed they provide to the executant an improvement of the ability level. Amongst these capacities they are the force, flexibility, the resistance and the agility. e) Ability specifies: more complex voluntary motor activities and with specific objectives, as the cut one in voleibol, the kick in the soccer, I hurl it to the basket and the tray in the basketball.