In my case I worked at an organization dedicated to training, I learned a lot in it, but they never gave me the opportunity to dictate a session, I knew that at some point it would although weren’t there it is clear. When I decided to leave that organization, as it was logical had fear throw myself into an adventure, being married and with two young children. I took a training company that operated for two years and gave me the opportunity to train. Never will forget when at my first meeting, had front 80 people with many expectations about my performance, I felt that the legs and voice shaking, breathed however strong and me arming of value to succeed. Who do not feel this fear the first time? Unlike working for others, I felt that he loved what he did, that this was what I wanted to be, a facilitator. By having this course, I decided as a strategy to learn new learning methodology, it had to differentiate me, otherwise, I would look like more of the same. After two years, the decision to conclude with this first company and form a new, with a more dynamic style and greater impact.
I do not deny that was hard at first but based on effort and perseverance have managed to enter and differentiate ourselves in a market where every day there is a new consulting firm. It has not been my intention to bore you with this part of the story of my life, but I felt the need to give a signal, a message to those people who are going through the uncertainty of this trance and do not decide to take the step. If they decide, do not doubt that they pass through this ciclo:alegria, enthusiasm at the start, then concern because you don’t see immediate results. There are no bosses telling you what to do boss is yourself (worse still), there is no established schedules, your family is impatient because you see each day less, your friends tell you that you’re half crazy, you better leave that and come back to employ you, sleepless nights, because do not know how you will pay the accounts and domestic obligations but not everything is grayalso you will feel that you grow, that mature with blows that aid many people, which companies begin to assess your work, you don’t feel mistreated by no incompetent boss, in other words you won credibility and therefore confidence in yourself and in others. Thanks to these factors that I have mentioned, I have been able to travel to train me, knowing many people, positively influence people, help companies to achieve their goals, now I write in my blog and many other things. Everything comes at his moment, but you should make things happen!. I don’t want to talk about success, only perseverance, humility. I always tell them the participants in my workshops that do not stop dreaming and who strive every day to achieve them if you’re not willing to take on the rigor of undertake a company, I suggest that you think about it well, but if you really want to leave their mark on this world, recommend it and I’d like to say Welcome to this adventure!Until next time! Original author and source of the article.