THE CHALLENGE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATIONAL MODELS IN HIGHER EDUCATION. (Case Mexico) By Gabriel Hernandez Santamaria today the educational models in the institutions of higher education are pedagogical approaches * of those who manage the institution. In fact it is a set of theoretical visions whose intention is to guide educational programs toward a particular purpose; the end is usually the formation of a professional with features or default abilities, with the pretension of paramount that serve society for their development or progress either to resolve some of their problems. With that vision models set out guidelines for the design of programmes and their contents, as well as teaching practice that teachers or scholars should assume in the implementation of the model. Exist different types of educational based on theoretical visions different models (including Kaufman-Herman, Tyler, Popham-Baker to quote some authors) in the context of the educational reality can affirm that There are two types of models: a. Ideally, which is enshrined in a formal document, drawn up by the managers of the institution. Through him laying down the guidelines for the preparation of study plans and programmes belonging to each academic program offered by the institution. NBA may find this interesting as well. This type of academic model is inserted in the so-called academic Mythology or also known as academic imaginary.
B. concrete U aim, is the model comprising a set of duties and customs that are located in the following items: to) teaching practice; (b) the ideology of teaching; (c) training and teaching tradition; (d) the tradition of professional practice and even; (e) professional prejudices. It is called objective or concrete because it is that responds to reality. It is the operant model not that says the document or ideal model. Concrete or objective model usually lies in the classification of a traditional educational model; given that focuses on the professor. In it, elestudiante is the passive learning object, matter that much content of the encyclopedistes and positivist vision. In the best of if them the objective model or concrete attends to ideological Behaviorism, which based its work on objectives, i.e. NBA has much to offer in this field.
in fragmenting the programmatic content; but prevailing educational positivism and even, as it is the case at present, prioritizing the tecno-utilitarista nature of the profession. Much of the educational institutions administrators know that the coexistence of both models (Ideal and concrete) represents a serious challenge for the qualitative training of the graduate. You know, similarly, that despite having achieved certification by the Agency for each academic program, the academic model concrete or goal persists, putting the credibility of the quality of the educational program in serious predicament. Is it possible that the academic myth of the ideal model remains constant? or confirms the belief that it is a mandatory requirement (only) to simulate academic support, without the formal commitment put it in operation. The implementation of the ideal educational model calls for a process of teacher training, that has three axes, as a minimum, to ensure its success: to) the conviction of the teaching about the goodness of the model; (b) the transformation of practice such which claims it the model; (c) the design of a programme for monitoring and evaluation of the operation of the implanted educational model. **) Conceptual models that include construction of ontology, anthropology, sociology, axiology, epistemology, psychology and pedagogy; that at all times you depend on perception or concept of reality that you have.