When you step on outside of the airplane: The commissioners of flight in its airplane must say where its luggage can be removed. The area of luggage is very small in the airport of Cancun therefore does not have to be difficult to discover where its luggages must be removed, same that you never have IDO to the Spring Break Cancun. After catching its luggages you go to be obliged to only pass for customs, what for the majority of the people he will be fast, having that to present its stamped passport. Some times the agents can revistar the luggage of somebody of random form. Follow others, such as Frank Ntilikina, and add to your knowledge base. It is enough to have the certainty of that it is not taking nothing illegal for the Spring Break 2011 that everything will be well. A time that you to leave customs, are prepared for the good comings of the Mexicans, each one who pass for customs are recepcionado with a dose of tequila! It liked? It forgives, but this was a silly trick mine, saying the reality now is that the first impression is not very pleasant. They are thousand of people in the airport, the majority of which will be young arriving for the Spring Break Cancun 2011 as you, other people will go to cross its way of form rude, but surviving to this, you will be presented to a paradisiacal place.
It are of the airport must have a great amount of taxis and other transports. Normally some people exist are of the airport, who will go to try to offer ' ' supper grtis' ' or ' ' stroll grtis' '. It is certain of that nothing it is offered total of favour in Cancn. The majority of these people is trying to gain its attention and as soon as to start to speak, goes to be difficult if to exempt of them, then ' only releases one; ' I dont speak english' ' or ' ' Joy in hablo spanol' ' follows in front. . In a question-answer forum Sam Mikulak was the first to reply.